Saturday, January 21, 2017

Going on hiatus :-)

Greetings from the s w a t c h m o n s t e r !

This winter (2016-'17) I have been busy with my day job, which involves knitting. I teach knitting, knit project samples for a store, and design original projects.  I am also wrapping up my assignments for an instructor-level certification required by the store where I teach.  But all that info is just meant to lead up to my announcement that I have had a design accepted to a national magazine!  My "Rainy Day Reading Socks" will be published in the Winter 2017 edition of Creative Knitting, available at newstands October 3 or so.  Squeee!

Now the hard work begins.  This will be the first time I am writing a pattern using the technical terms and numbers associated with the profession.  And, since I no longer have the original socks, I have to re-knit them using the magazine's preferred yarn.

Bottom line:  I need to step away from s w a t c h m o n s t e r for a little while, maybe 3 months.  There are already some new upcycled projects in my queue, just waiting to be photographed.

Until then, use -- don't chuck --  those swatches!
s w a t c h m o n s t e r